2. CHORUS CHECKLIST to ensure you have completed all of the registration steps.


WHO: President/Team Leader for chorus. Only one contact.

WHAT: Enter the Chorus for Competition with Sweet Adelines International.  If a chorus has to withdraw,
a written withdrawal notice must be received at International headquarters. This may be by email.  A phone call is not sufficient.

WHERE: Competition Registration with Sweet Adeline International - Link to SAI required forms chorus here                                                                                     (Sign into your Sweet Adeline Member Account to access the forms.)

WHEN: Registration Open December 13, 2024, registration deadline without penalty is January 27, 2025.

International Draw for order of appearance is February 3, 2025.

  • Registration cost: $200 by January 27, 2025 for choruses. 
  • An extended deadline with additional $100 late fee is February 11, 2025 for choruses.

WHY: Choruses must provide information to Sweet Adelines International to register for competition.

NEXT STEP: Regional Chorus Registration


WHO: President/Team Leader for chorus. Only one contact.

WHAT:  Register the Chorus with the Region for Regional Contest  Information includes director name, director novice status and final pose,
Song Assessment Approval Date, Competition Option including Evaluation or Open Division by Video Recording, chorus requested rehearsal
time and location, any special needs, and a chorus contact for contest weekend.

WHERE: Register here with required chorus information.

WHEN:  No charge if completed by January 27, 2025.  Late registration with $25 fee is February 11, 2025.    

WHY: Competitors must provide details needed for judging and the contest process.

Note: AET's are not transferable

5.Chorus Housing

WHO: Chorus Registration Chair

WHAT: Each Chorus Registration Chair will receive a specific link for a Housing block for their chorus.  This link will need to be shared with chorus members so they can reserve their rooms.

WHERE: Chorus Housing block link will be sent to the Registration Chair via email no later than January 20, 2025.

WHEN: Housing Block closes February 28, 2025

WHY: To ensure all members have access to a room within the 2 competition hotels (Marriott and Embassy).

Note: Contact Lura Nightlinger with any questions or issues.  Please do not contact the hotel directly as they will not have any housing information until after the Housing block closes.



Chorus All Event Ticket Spreadsheet      (Click to download form)

WHO: President/Team Leader for Chorus.Only one contact.

WHAT: Confirmation and New Reservation for All Event Ticket

  • Name Badge Confirmation - for those members who paid with their annual assessment.
  • New Member Reservation- for those new members after the annual assessment.
  • Chorus Guest Reservation - for those chorus guest that would like an All Events Ticket.

WHEN: February 21, 2025 Deadline

Where:  Chorus AET Submission Form (Please submit the spreadsheet Chorus All Event Ticket Spreadsheet with the form.)

WHY: To ensure correct name badges to be picked up at chorus briefing.

7. Competition Photos
8. Open Division Cue Sheet - Form (Only required if in Open Division)


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