Your Contributions Help!  We love sharing the gift of great music with the people of our communities.  Our choruses and quartets bring entertainment, smiles and tears, laughter and great harmony to audiences around the East Central United States every week.

We'd like to invite you to become a sponsor. The additional income your sponsorship would provide helps us reach out to more women and girls in our area with this exciting artform and to bring our music to more audiences.  Your sponsorship of a chorus, quartet, or our region would be not only a great help to our organization, but would be a wonderful testament to your support of the arts and non-profit organizations such as ours.

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization based in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law - please check with your tax advisor concerning the tax deductability of your gift.

Please contact our Financial Coordinator to find out about sponsoring our region or a chorus or quartet within our region.