Chorus Chaos Class 2024 Class Titles and Class Descriptions and Handouts (click the blue title to get handouts)


Friday June 14, 2024 1:00 - 4:30 pm Director, Associate/Assistant Director and Musical Leaders Workshop
Level Up! Sessions 1 & 2 - Kim Wonders, Master Director Metro Nashville Chorus,
Regional Faculty, International Faculty

Session 1 - View performances of small and midsize choruses performing at the B-
level and higher to provide directors and musical leaders a better understanding of why
a performance falls within a specific level.
Session 2 - Learn skills and techniques to assist your singers in getting to the next

Friday Classes with Directors and Musical Leaders - Level Up! - 3 handouts Click on title

Friday, June 14, 2024 Evening Session - General Membership

Establishing a Positive Chorus Culture - Kerry Denino, Master 700 Director Scioto
Valley Chorus, Baritone of Lady A cappella, Regional Faculty

See the good in everything! We will be talking about how a positive attitude fosters
favorable and successful results in your chorus.

So You Want To Sing In A Quartet? - Fran Furtner, Regional Quartet Champion,
Regional Faculty

Singing in a quartet can be extremely fun and rewarding!  You’ll encounter new levels of
skill-building, performance opportunities,  and friendships. This round table will discuss
considerations when forming a quartet, how to register your quartet, selecting and
purchasing music, and more.  Whether you're a potential first-time quartet singer or an
experienced one who is interested in finding quartet mates, come join the discussion.

Friday Night Round Tables

Fran - 1 Handout

Exploring Visual Communication - Natalie Allen, Assistant Director,
Choreographer Metro Nashville Chorus, Regional Faculty

Visual Communication is equal parts, brain and heart. Breaking down the elements and
what they mean.

Friday Night Round Tables

Natalie - 3 Handouts

Chorus Rehearsals - with Debbie Hite and Jack Johnson

Participants are asked to bring something blue and something red to wear at the concert.

The regional songs that will be used in the two choruses for Chorus Chaos are:

  • Come On and Sing
  • How We sang Today
  • It's The Music That Brings Us Together
  • One Song At A Time

Music and learning tracks for these songs are available on the Region 4 Website. Do you know how to access your music on the Harmony Heartland Region 4 Website? Go to My Music. Please come prepared knowing these songs.


Saturday June 15, 2024 - General Membership 

9:00 am - 4:45 pm General Membership
How Firm is Your Foundation? - Kim Wonders, Master Director Metro Nashville
Chorus, Regional Faculty, International Faculty

Proper vocal production is the foundation upon which good sound is built. Learn vocal
techniques and exercises to assist in developing the necessary skills to achieve a well-
produced voice.

Saturday Morning class for General Membership - 2

Chorus Rehearsals - Debbie Hite and Jack Johnson - See above for music and notes.

The Art of Singing Your Part - Tenacious Quartet, 2024 International 5th Place

Singing barbershop music is more than just learning the words and notes. Learn the in-
depth skills of how to sing your part successfully.

Chorus Rehearsals - Debbie Hite and Jack Johnson - See above for notes

Saturday Night Show - 7:30 pm - Featuring

Saturday Evening, June 15, 2024

Saturday Night Show - 7:30 pm - Featuring

Chorus Chaos Choruses -
Debbie’s Dynamic Divas & Jack’s Jubilant Jive Singers
2024 International Bound Competitors