
Help In Harmony

As many are aware, a devastating tornado took lives last night and left a path of destruction throughout the east side of Nashville.

We've been in contact with our Nashville choruses - TuneTown Show Chorus and Metro Nashville Chorus.  TuneTown has reported that all their members are safe and sound.  Not so with Metro Nashville.  One of the members lost their home and both vehicles.  I know you will join me and the rest of your Regional Management Team in sending them prayers and support.  

Many of you have asked how you can help.   In talking with MNC's Team Coordinator a light bulb went off in our collective minds, and we have what we think is a GREAT idea to help!

Since almost all Region 4 choruses have some sort of SCRIP program, we are suggesting that those who want to help simply purchase a VISA Scrip card, in a denomination that they are comfortable with.

The address to send these gift cards has been disseminated to all Region 4 members.  If you are not a Region 4 member but still wish to contribute, please email [email protected] to get more information.

It is our collective hope that our financial support can, in some small way, help this family get back on their feet as quickly as possible.

In Harmony
Sue Pelley
RMT, Team Coordinator

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